23 Feb A Tribute To Elton…
Elton passed peacefully today at Mission Hospital. He was boarded in Dog Dayz since Saturday 2/9/12 until Monday when he got really sick from kidney failure and despite all their best efforts, he deteriorated rapidly and was in pain and muc…h discomfort. His urine was bright red and he had lots of blood in his stool. His heart rate was half of what it should have been and he was working hard to keep his vital organs functioning, but in the end, it was futile as his little heart couldn’t keep up and he was dangerously close to cardiac arrest. The decision to let him go humanely was made even more difficult because he was only 18 months old. He passed being comforted by Abby, Spot volunteer, Beth and myself and he knew we were all there with him at the end. Spot exited him from the Bonita shelter on 2/1/12, where he came in as a stray and could have been out there on his own for some time and may have picked up something nasty or it could have been congenital….as of now we don’t know the cause… Thank you Elton for everything you gave us… John

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