09 Jan Aliso update from foster mom!
Aliso arrived looking sad and scraggly. She had raw spots from flea bites, a bad URI – sneezy and congested, and some broken teeth. The first few days she stayed in the crate – unsure of us. She watched us with big green eyes, and accepted our chin and ear rubs. Within a few days, she started to feel more comfortable and her sweet spunky personality came out – even though she had to be feeling miserable. With antibiotics and humidifier time, She got over her cold. Her fur started to fill back in. Although her teeth had to be hurting, she was always ready to play and follow us around. She had her broken and rotting teeth removed and found an amazing home – she’s got a big bro-fur, and has become a stunning kitty and is incredibly loved. Fostering isn’t always easy, sometimes its messy and stinky. I love that SPOT took a chance on this girl-and every time i get an update and see gorgeous and happy cat she is, it inspires me to continue fostering.
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