

Checkers3Last month, SPOT rescued this 5 month old Cocker Spaniel from a local shelter. He suffered from mange and since then, has been in a loving foster home…

Like a lot of Cocker Spaniels, now six month old Checkers eats any and everything.
Last Sunday little Checkers fainted not once, not twice, but three times. He was in his foster-to-adopt home–which will be his forever family. His human brothers were frightened and panicky, because their last dog died suddenly and it was too fresh in their memory. Fortunately, his human dad got him to an emergency vet, where they discovered that his lungs were full of fluid–he had full-blown pneumonia and couldn’t get any oxygen to his brain (which is why he fainted). Immediately, Checkers was placed into an oxygen tent, and things looked grim. Checkers 7_2
But by Monday afternoon he was breathing better, able to come out of the tent and breathe room air.
Today he’s looking like his old self–and the vet says that he most probably aspirated…ate something, tried to throw it up, and then inhaled liquid into his little lungs.
He’ll be on antibiotics for 10 days…and although he was scheduled to be neutered, we want to make sure his little body is healthy and not under stress, so we’ll postpone for a month. Checkers’ adopters know to keep a close watch on their intact male–for both his pneumonia symptoms and to prevent him from finding a girlfriend for now!

This little trip to the vet cost $2,300–intensive care was critical to Checkers’ survival–and SPOT is going to fund a portion of this bill. Can you help out? This story already has a happy ending–we just want to be sure that we can continue to help other puppies who need emergency treatment.

If you would like and are able to assist with Checker’s care, visit our website at and click on the “yellow” DONATE NOW button. Please be sure to specify “For Checkers” in the comment section.

As always, we appreciate your support to SPOT, Checkers, and all of our precious rescues. THANK YOU!

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