13 Nov Gwynn
Look who has a new home! Tom adopted Gwynn earlier this week and was excited to bring her home last night.
Gwynn had been ducked taped to a box at Padres Stadium and was turned in the shelter. She had a broken leg that we tried to fix but later had to be amputated.
Tom has been following Gwynn’s updates from the very beginning and said he fell in love with her and knew he wanted to give her the loving, caring home she deserves after such a rough start. Gwynn now has two female cats, seven years old to play with.
Her foster mom, Karen, sent all of Gwynn’s favorite toys, blanket and new feather stick toys with her. Gwynn had such an amazing foster mom! This wouldn’t have been possible without Karen’s love and attention towards Gwynn.
Thank you Tom for providing a home full of love, caring and kitty companions for Gwynn. It is happy beginnings for this li’l cutie and we couldn’t be more excited for her future!!
Looks like our Special Little Gwynn hit a home run!
Gwynn update 11/9:
Gwynn got her stitches out this morning, and as you can see, she has a lot to say about her visit to the doctor!! It’s one step closer to finding her forever home…
Gwynn update 11/5:
It’s been eleven days since Gwynn’s amputation of one of her back legs. Her foster mom, Karen, says “Gwynn is getting more comfortable and learning to get around. As she gets stronger and feels better, it’s been a challenge to keep her from not overdoing her activity.”
SPOT is so grateful for our wonderful foster mom, Karen, for giving Gwynn the love and care she needs to recover. We LOVE our fosters!!!
Gwynn update 10/31:
Gwynn is resting mostly after the big surgery last Friday to remove her badly broken leg. Here she is with Shadow and Casper (above), taking a break from wearing the dreaded cone she has to wear most of the time. She is learning to get around and both her Doctor and her Foster are watching her closely. So far so good.
Please keep Gwynn in your prayers, she isn’t out of the woods yet…
Gwynn update 10/28:
We have very sad news about Gwynn. A few days ago, Gwynn’s doctor said the bones did not heal correctly. The foster has been reporting to her doctor the pain was not getting better and Gwynn was not using her leg and when she moved the wrong way she would scream meow in pain.
The decision was made to amputate.. this was not a decision made lightly. Her bones did not grow together as the doctor wanted. SPOT has had the best medical care for Gwynn and provided a safe, loving caring foster home. if she kept her leg she was looking at a life of pain ahead of her.
Friday the doctor removed Gwynn’s hurting leg, the surgery took less than an hour.
Gwynn left the hospital on Saturday afternoon with Karen, her foster, with after surgery care instructions. These are pictures of Gwynn waking up from a nap and happy to see her foster to pick her up and the gentleman holding her is Jessie a staff member at the hospital. He and the hospital staff have fallen in love with Gwynn. She is now resting in her own kennel at her loving foster home.
Gwynn update 10/20:
Today’s update on Gwynn doesn’t look good. Gwynn is going through a rough patch right now. There is a good chance that she may have her leg amputated because of complications with her healing. Gwynn’s Doctor and her foster Karen are closely watching her and keeping her pain under control. Her kitty foster companions are always nearby to comfort her. Please send lots of love and healing thoughts her way.
Gwynn update 10/14:
Gwynn enjoys her morning routine of watching the crows. Here she is at her foster’s mom Karen’s home with Shadow (Grey Tabby) and Casper (white kitty). She is coming along beautifully but still has a ways to go.. want to help her out?
Because Gwynn’s medical bills are extensive and may continue to grow, we is asking for donations toward her recovery.
Gwynn has a long road ahead of her and we couldn’t do it without our wonderful donators and supporters! If you would like to contribute to her recovery and follow her journey, please click on the yellow donate button. Please be sure to specify “Save Gwynn” so we know it is for this li’l angel. We appreciate your support towards Gwynn!
Gwynn was at the vet all day today. Gwynn’s healing is progressing nicely. Next check up in a week.
Here she is relaxing after a big dinner and her pain medication.
She is very happy to be back in her foster home tonight.
Her foster says, “this smile on Gwynn’s face made my day”.
Gwynn update 10/3
Gwynn is happy when she has her toys around her. When she has knocked the fuzzy ball out of her cage she will get it and bring it back to her bed. Here she is settling in for her early nap today.
Still not using her leg yet but is active with easy, supervised play.
Gwynn update 9/27
Gwynn got her cast off Monday and her leg is very sensitive. With an OK from the vet she is doing her regular daily routine.
This morning Gwynn is moving slow but is enjoying her activities. She watched the other kitties eating cat grass and decided to give it a try!
Gwynn update 9/24
Gwynn spent the entire day at the Hospital yesterday. Under anesthesia, the doctor removed her cast and stitches and she is back at the foster’s home where her pain is being managed and is being watched carefully.
As Gwynn gets stronger with more energy it’s tough to keep her settled. CatTV is a great helper. Gwynn was watching the Cat DVD for the first time and she interest. she relaxed and watched it for over an hour this morning.
Gywnn now takes short walks around the house, her new favorite place to take afternoon naps is on the couch, she has discovered the animal stairs to use to get up and down safely. From the couch she watches the humming birds, butterflies, and other small birds flying around the back patio.
In the late afternoons, Gwynn likes to sit on her foster mom, Karen’s lap in the back yard before dinner. She is getting less scared and more relaxed.
Once in a while she will move the wrong way and meow in pain, this is a constant reminder that she is very badly hurt and is in the beginning stages of healing.
Because Gwynn’s medical bills are extensive and may continue to grow, we is asking for donations toward her recovery.
Gwynn has a long road ahead of her and we couldn’t do it without our wonderful donators and supporters! If you would like to contribute to her recovery and follow her journey, please click on the yellow donate button. Please be sure to specify “Save Gwynn” so we know it is for this li’l angel. We appreciate your support towards Gwynn!
Update 9/18
An update from foster mom, Karen..”It’s a big day in the hood, we are having the street re- paved. This is day one of a two day process. Lots of loud noise and big trucks. Here is Gwynn hanging with Casper at the window watching all the action. When Casper isn’t scared Gwynn isn’t scared.”
It is awesome that Gwynn has a buddy to hang with while recovering.
Update 9/17
Gwynn had a restful night and had a good sized breakfast. She tried to make it to the litter box but missed (not by much). She started walking outside of her cage just a little and loves to play with her feather! Foster mom, Karen, adjusted some of the padding in her bed and made it much smaller so she can get around her cage better. She is making progress everyday, but SPOT still needs your help.
Because Gwynn’s medical bills are extensive and may continue to grow, we is asking for donations toward her recovery. Little Gwynn is only 4 months old and she’s had a very rough start in life. But this is where her happy ending begins! Thanks to incredible supporters like YOU, our sweet Gwynn will receive the care and love she deserves.
Gwynn’s doctor check-up 9/16
Today, Gwynn got a good report at the vet’s this morning. The original cast is holding up and so we are keeping the cast on for another week. This li’l one is a fighter and resting comfortably with her foster mom, Karen.
Gwynn’s foster mom, Karen
SPOT couldn’t do what we do without wonderful fosters like Karen. She opened up her heart and home to our li’l Gwynn to recover. This is what she had to say after taking in Gwynn.. “Gwynn had such sad expression on her face when I first saw her, I could see the pain and stress in her eyes. SPOT’s number one priority was to get her pain under control, working with the vet she is comfortable now. I can see a bit more of a sparkle in her eyes now.
Even though Gwynn is struggling to get around with the huge, heavy cast on her leg she is a trooper. Yesterday she decided she wanted to go for a walk and explore her new surroundings. She now has the strength to walk and play for five minutes at a time. She discovered the feather stick toy and it has become her favorite new toy to play with.
Gwynn is the most loving little kitten! She has a sweet meow and starts purring as soon as the I pick her up. She loves spending time cuddling in my lap and arms.”
Gwynn has a long road ahead of her to recover and we couldn’t do it without our wonderful donators and supporters! If you would like to contribute to her recovery, please click on the yellow donate button below. Please be sure to specify “Save Gwynn” so we know it is for this li’l angel.
Our precious li’l Gwynn left the hospital today for her recovery with foster mom, Karen. Gwynn is a beautiful 4 month old kitten that was found by a Good Samaritan at Petco Park after a Padre’s game last week. When he found her, poor little Gwynn was taped inside of a box! Thankfully, our Good Samaritan rescued her, brought her to the shelter, where SPOT rescued her. She recently had surgery to fix her broken leg (attached pic). We still don’t know if the surgery will allow Gwynn to regain use of her leg without pain. We remain very hopeful but, unfortunately, amputation may ultimately be the best solution.
Because Gwynn’s medical bills are extensive and may continue to grow, SPOT is asking for donations toward her recovery. Little Gwynn is has had a very rough start in life. But this is where her happy ending begins! Thanks to Good Samaritans like YOU, our sweet Gwynn will receive the care and love she deserves….
This is Gwynn, named after ex-Padre Tony Gwynn. She is a beautiful 4 month old kitten that was found by a Good Samaritan at Petco Park after a Padre’s game last week. When he found her, poor little Gwynn was taped inside of a box! Thankfully, our Good Samaritan rescued her, brought her to the shelter and began advertising for help on Craigslist. Love Your Ferals saw the Craigslist ad and reached out to SPOT. We immediately when to the shelter to check it out!
Turns out poor Gwynn also had a severely broken leg. On Saturday, she went directly into surgery at Surfside Animal Hospital. The procedure was quite involved; her leg needed several pins and plates. It was a very bad break and had been that way for some time. We still don’t know if the surgery will allow Gwynn to regain use of her leg without pain. We remain very hopeful but, unfortunately, amputation may ultimately be the best solution.
Gwynn has been placed with a wonderful foster, Karen, who has a special gift for healing our special needs kittens. We know that Gwynn is in the best of hands!
Because Gwynn’s medical bills are extensive and may continue to grow, SPOT is asking for donations toward her recovery. Little Gwynn is only 4 months old and she’s had a very rough start in life. But this is where her happy ending begins! Thanks to Good Samaritans like YOU, our sweet Gwynn will receive the care and love she deserves. Just click on the “donate” button below to help with Gwynn’s journey. Please be sure to specify “Save Gwynn” in the comments section so we know your gift is for her.
As always, we appreciate your support to our precious rescues.
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