12 Nov Help Save Captain!
Captain thanks you all for your (recent and future) donations, making it possible for him to have a good outlook for 2014. Because of you, he has been able to receive the medical appointments and necessary testing to continue his medications which are helping- yeah!!!. All making 2014 look like a good year. However, we still need to keep raising funds to help keep him alive and well.
Thank you ALL from Captain!!! Happy New Year!!!!
[donation-can goal_id=’save-captain’ style_id=’default’ show_progress=false show_description=true show_donations=false show_title=true title=”]
Captain Update 11/23/13:
Thank you all for donating to help Captain. We have a lot more to raise but we are off to a good start for him. The funds we recently raised went to set up a vet appointment. The vet said his legs looked better (stability), his cranial exam went well and now we are just awaiting his blood work results. Fingers and Paws crossed that meds are doing their job!!!
Thanks for caring about this boy!! We will keep you posted.
Captain came into the shelter at just 10 weeks old. He was dumped, brought in as a stray, alone in the world. And to make things worse for poor Captain, he had a huge bump on his head (seemed like a mis-shapen front section of his skull), he walked sideways and he had a tendency to fall over. The vets could not tell if it was a neurological disorder or if it was due to malnutrition or if things would get better. SPOT rescue took him in, gave him lots of love, massages, good food and supplements. Captain seemed to be getting stronger each day.
A wonderful family, mother and son, Katrina & Andrew, fell in love with Captain. Andrew wanted the responsibility and love of a dog who needed extra love and vowed to work with Captain every day to get him stronger. He did. Captain thrived, Andrew thrived and Katrina was filled with love.
For the next 8 months life was great for this beautiful family. Then Captain had his first seizure. And then his second….After meeting with vet specialists and doing lots of tests, the Vet told us “We have found that Captain’s brain is under-developed and the front of the brain looks like swiss cheese. The holes are filled up with spinal fluid.” The vet does not have the answers…Captain could live a month or a year…
Captain’s family loves him and wants to do right by him and to keep enjoying the good days as long as they can. They want him to live as many good days as possible.
Since Captain was a SPOT dog, SPOT Rescue wants to help; hence, our fundraising effort on his behalf.
The family does not have the money but they cannot let Captain suffer. Captain’s mom is trying her best to make ends meet but the medical bills are too much. Through this entire emotional and financially trying time Katrina says “We love Captain and I wouldn’t change him for the world”.
Please let’s help Captain!
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