
SPOT - Saving Pets One at a Time   Garage Sale April 28th, 2012 – 7am to Noon (or later)  Will have household items, clothing, accessories, pet items, and much more. All money goes directly to SPOT animals! Please come out and support us!!! and take some...

SPOT - Saving Pets One at a Time   Garage Sale April 28th, 2012 – 7am to Noon (or later)  Will have household items, clothing, accessories, pet items, and much more. All money goes directly to SPOT animals! Please come out and support us!!! and take some...

SPOT - Saving Pets One at a Time   Garage Sale April 28th, 2012 – 7am to Noon (or later)  Will have household items, clothing, accessories, pet items, and much more. All money goes directly to SPOT animals! Please come out and support us!!! and take some...

You won't want to miss this sale! We will have various plants and garden furniture, statues, and other fabulous things to make your yard beautiful!!! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO SPOT...