14 Feb Meet Miracle
Here is our little Miracle after her morning playtime and breakfast. Miracle’s URI (upper respiratory infection) is gone and her leg fracture is healing, her doctor wants the cast off with limited activity for a couple of weeks. Her foster says, Miracle is giant Love-bug! Stay tuned for more Miracle updates!!
Miracle came to us earlier this month with a leg fracture and an upper respiratory infection. She is healing well and has had her cast taken off.
The gray swirl is Miracle doing a running, spinning pounce on foster kitty, Casper. As you can see, Casper is impressed!
With her cast off Miracle has to really limit her rough housing. She gets to play in the bathroom a few times a day. Stay tuned on more updates as Miracle gets ready for a new, loving family!
Meet Miracle, our newest SPOT kitten rescue. Miracle came to us with a leg fracture and URI, upper respiratory infection. ” She’s a fighter” says her foster. Even having trouble breathing and dragging a cast around she still loves to cuddle.
The SPOT cat team is working together around the clock to make sure she is eating and is hydrated until her body gets strong enough to kick the URI.
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