31 Jan “Travels With Mowgli!!
Mowgli was recently adopted to a wonderful family and now spends life on the road.. Here is what dad tells us..
“Mowgli is doing great! He has pretty much learned that high value items; stick and food shaped toy; belong to me and he doesn’t have to fear losing them. We will be stepping up to pig skins this week.
We have gotten to the point I can pet his head or remove the food in the middle of eating. He will just sit and wait for it as well as he has learned to be calm when food is being prepared.
Stubborn listener on nature walks… way too exciting.
He is learning “to the right” and “left” directions; “respect” the wildlife and stay on the right side while tandem walking as well as normal walk behavior stuff.
He’s still a got a lot of puppy left in him. Teething on tree branches. He’s a puddle stomper and sand freak…as hilarious as a ferret war dance. The Doxie in him is funny. He sounds like a carpet crocodile with the constant grumbling. Quite a fitting character of a personality for my household. Perfect fit!!!!
Favorite spot other than a head on my lap while driving…
Thanks again, Mark & Mowgli”
Awesome update!! We hope to hear more of “Travels with Mowgli”!!
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