12 Dec A Tribute to Sierra…
You are an angel and will be dearly missed.. ...
You are an angel and will be dearly missed.. ...
Waldo went home yesterday. He joins new mom and dad as well as sister Holly and brother, Christian, and a doggie sis, Emma. Thanks to Kip, his foster Dad for helping him get ready to be adopted and to the walkers at Dog Dayz for making...
Shanna was adopted today by this wonderful family. She is going to be the apple of this boy’s eye. She will get so much love! We are so happy that she has found not only a home for the holidays but an adoring and loving...
Kuuipo was left behind on property and was brought into SPOT emaciated and dehydrated from nursing 11 puppies without having access to food or water for several days. Due to the neglect she had a number of medical issues that required the services of Fire...
Thank you to everyone who gave to SPOT this #GIVINGTUESDAY! Together, we raised over $1800!! Because of YOU, we are able to rescue more animals set for euthanization from our local shelters!! If you still want to donate, visit here!! https://spotsavespets.org/giving-tuesday/ We appreciate all of you!!...