25 May Brody and Bingham were adopted!!!
Another happy family!!!! Check out Brody and Bingham lovin' their new life!!! Thanks to Lynnet for making them an addition to your family..SPOT is so happy for you all!!!...
Another happy family!!!! Check out Brody and Bingham lovin' their new life!!! Thanks to Lynnet for making them an addition to your family..SPOT is so happy for you all!!!...
Look at Danno with his new adoptive mom & dad Bob and Joan. SPOT rescued him on December 15th..He was in 3 foster homes and John did a fantastic job with him as his foster for over 3 months!!!! Congrats to Danno and your new family!!!!!...
SPOT Rescue had an awesome the Charity Connection Event!! Althea was very accommodating and made the day very successful for SPOT!!! We thank you very much Tracy for letting us be a part of your event..and to Melisa for making the "connection"!!...
Look at Shyla in her new home!!! She is hanging out with her new doggie brother, Waldo. Thank you Terri for making her an addition to your family!!!!...
I thought I'd let you know that Sammie has found her stride at our house. She runs like a nut and can now fearlessly negociate the stairs. Sam digs many holes in the backyard. Doesn't dig to get out, but to find some kind of...